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Nutrition tips for your dog

Nutrition is super important to our pets. As pet owners, it is paramount that we provide our dog or other animals with the best and most suitable nutrition to support their needs.

But where to we start? With such a large variety of foods within the pet food industry, it is worth double checking that you are giving your dog the correct food to help them stay healthy:

Assess what you are currently feeding your dog

Grab all the food and snacks that you currently have for your dog and check that nutritional value on the side of the packets.

Check that your pet food is in date

A lot of us see an offer in the supermarket and bulk buy, which can result in bags/tins being pushed to the back of the cupboard and consequently going out of date. Be sure to put your new tins/bags behind what you currently have so that the cycle of pet food doesn’t go out of date and to waste.

Be careful what human foods you treat your dog to

We’re all terrible for letting our four-legged friends have a human treat, lick of a bowl, container from time to time. However, sometimes human foods can be quite harmful to our pets.

Check what your dog needs

As you are fully aware, all dogs are different shapes and sizes, so they are bound to have different nutritional requirements. Research your dog’s breed, seek at advice from the breeder or your vet to ascertain what nutrients your dog requires. That way you can try and find a pet food that hits all the necessary credentials they need.

Your dog’s palette will change as they get older

Your dog’s dietary and nutritional needs change depending on their age. There are now specific products designed for puppies, older dogs, even grain free and vet prescribed dog food. It’s always wise to consult your vet and discuss which options are right for your pooch.

Keep up the H2o!

Dogs need as much water a humans do, if not more! Always make sure your dog is hydrated; make sure their water bowl is topped up regularly with fresh water, take a travel bowl and fresh water with you on walkies and encourage them to drink. Don’t forget to take extra care in the summer and warmer days, this will help prevent your dogs from getting heat exhaustion.

Portion control

Another very relevant point for both humans and dogs. Be mindful of the portion sizes you are giving to your dog. Talk to your vet about what weight your dog should be and then use these recommendations as a guide when serving up your dog’s meals. Be careful with those snack treats too! Being too generous can result in an overweight pup!  


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